October First Week Newsletter

This month, we explored nonlinear reading, logical thinking, digital information management, and note-taking plugins. Implementing these skills and tools can help boost your intellectual capabilities and workflow efficiency.

October First Week Newsletter

Hello Knowledge Seekers,

Welcome to our first week of October newsletter. This month, we are diving into some exciting topics that will help you enhance your intellectual capabilities and productivity. We’ll explore a unique reading approach called nonlinear reading, review a century-old guide on clear thinking by Henry Hazlitt, introduce an innovative tool for managing digital information named Hookmark, and finally delve into the top plugins for Obsidian.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

  1. Nonlinear Reading: A Three-Step Workflow
  2. Review: The Science of Thinking by Henry Hazlitt
  3. Hookmark: Revolutionizing Digital Information Management
  4. Top Plugins for Obsidian

Nonlinear Reading: A Three-Step Workflow

Are you struggling with unread books or articles? Nonlinear reading might be the solution! It’s an approach that empowers you to extract the most useful information as efficiently as possible from any content piece without passively going from start to finish. We share a simple three-step process using AI tools like MyMap.ai, Merlin, and Docuchat to implement this workflow effectively.

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Review: The Science of Thinking by Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt’s century-old guide “The Science of Thinking” remains powerfully relevant today offering timeless advice on constructive thinking, intellectual self-discipline, logical reasoning and efficient reading. In this review, we discuss how his insights can provide enduring benefits for modern readers seeking to improve their mental skills.

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Hookmark: Revolutionizing Digital Information Management

Meet Hookmark, an innovative Mac application that promises to revolutionize how we handle digital information. It creates links between files, emails, web pages and other digital bits across various applications. We delve into its features, functionality, user experiences and impact on academic research.

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Top Plugins for Obsidian

Obsidian is a popular note-taking software known for its high customizability through plugins. We explore some of the best plugins like Outliner, Tasks, Kanban and Calendar that can help you better organize your notes, visualize data and manage tasks.

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That wraps up our first October edition of the Future of Knowledge Work newsletter. This month, we explored nonlinear reading, logical thinking, digital information management, and note-taking plugins. Implementing these skills and tools can help boost your intellectual capabilities and workflow efficiency. As we continue our journey towards building knowledge and sharpening our thinking, remember to stay curious, keep learning, and apply what you discover.

Thank you for reading and see you next week for more insights at the cutting edge of knowledge work!